Dental Care Tips For Soothing a Teething Baby

Teething time can be difficult for parents. A sleepless child can upset the whole family. And if you have a babysitter, you'll need to explain what to do if your child is having teething problems.

Here are a few pediatric dentistry suggestions for you, and your babysitter.

If your baby is under three, teething pains could cause crying and fussing. You can make the teething baby more comfortable by rubbing the gums with a wet gauze pad. A cool, gel-filled plastic teething ring can also help soothe sore gums and lead to sleep.

Using a teething ring or a bottle filled with water is fine. Be careful not to use milk or juice in the bottle because the liquid turns to acid and reacts with baby's teeth. Cavities can actually start here.

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Jim Du Molin

+Jim Du Molin is a leading Internet search expert helping individuals and families connect with the right dentist in their area. Visit his author page.